UTube Videos

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91.  Entering the afternoon woodpile in a California, just a magical moment 92.Preparing for the future by renewing the past,
93.   Each Time the Earth Shutters, 94.  Trembling earth: aggregate reformed,
95.  Rebuilding the Fallen for the future 96.  Election Rebuild 2015, caught up in the energy 
97.  Canada Day in California 2015 Annual National Canadian Event 98. Rebuilding the top Echelons, working within a quantum cataract, finding silence in the sounds.
99. Earth Day 2015, a crowbar dislodged and raised the rocks...the holes filled with sand...they gathered with dynamic physics into aggregates...speaking with their selves. 100. Easter Bunny Woodpile 2015,the freeze and and thaw gave the woodpile an undulating nature as it formed.
101. Splitting wood in California 2015, February 21, another bit of snow and cold 102. Woodcutting in California, February 2015
103. Wood Splitting 3d 2015 Trying out 3d lens 104. Happy New Year 2015 July 2016
105. Dragonchain 2014 This chain had a dragon in it, fused as one and the same. 106. Rebuilding one of the Fallen, October 3rd, 2014, after a clumsy heron raised havoc getting into the air
107. Cowgirl dreams of the Rodeo in the small of the quanta, a focus of more than one 108. Canada Day in California, 2014, Synergetic Research Gallery performance
109. Winter's Devestation: Balancing Beginnings, work to be done towards beginning 110. Cutting Wood in California, Sharing a moment with neighbor cutting in the distance 
111. Woodpile Meditations 2013, the snow softens the moment 112. Canada Day 2013, annual celebration at the Synergetic Research Gallery 
113. Wood Fishing Hook on Chain, Chainsaw carving 114. From a Woodpile a Chain Begins, on going record of life in here at the Synergetic Research Gallery awaiting spring
115. Setting up Satellite Studio in Toronto, re-discovery of Toronto, friendly, reasonable and diverse - a community of respectfull neighbours, sharing with a friend 116. Splitting Wood, February 26 2013, sunshine and heat in the snow
117. Chainsaw work at the Woodpile,easy to lose one selves in conversations 118. Cross-country Skiing in Climatization, catching the snow before rain and warm arrive, following the deer trails
119. Character Change, re-uniting the past with it's future 110. Wood Chain, Padlock and Key, 2013, eight foot log carved into chain with padlock and key at its ends
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