from the earth's hot belly…a violent birth…molten rock exploding from the earth…no gentle layering…
no soft embrace…but a chaotic struggle…leaving its trace…the stones were born of pressure's hold…a jagged edge…a fractured plane…each imperfection…
a story to be told…time…sculptor…with patient hand…wind and water…heat and cold…ages etched upon their surfaces rough…the molten fury cooled and waned…
a history imprinted…unrestrained…each scar a memory…each crack a sign…of the earth's grand narrative…intertwined…the aggregate stand now…a precarious…
balance achieved…after a long while…no mortar binds them…no force compels…just fragile equilibrium…the structure tells…surrounded by snow…
a silent shroud…rabbits scurry…blue jays take flight…crows call out…in the fading light…fear whispers of futures…yet hope remains…
in the strength of the stones…through sun and rains…a symbol of balance…a beacon of might…facing the unknown…bathed in pale moonlight… |