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" The Daily Sketch "

art performance art performance

Yesterday's Sketch

Daily Sketch Video
in realms of deep shadow…the sky turning grey hue…uncertain futures… a chilling bleak breeze will blow…crows calling loudly…in desolate domain view…earth’s solid surface…beneath the dark trees grow… a world delicately poised…on edge it stands…fragile existence…this balance so slight…you see…inertia holding…against the constant stream of change… forces relentless…water and ice…day and night…heat and cold…but through heavy clouding…a golden light begins to break…sunbeams… hope’s gentle bright ray appear…the darkness receding…from fearful dark hearts awake…new promise now shown…at close of the day is clear… from realms of deep shadow…to brilliant sun air now bright…with hope’s radiance…in uncertain times…we find way…the earth holds together… despite change everywhere…light…finding new solace…like coming back home today…

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