The Synergetic Research Gallery

July 28, 2024

art performes Today's Video art performs

in dawn's and sky entwine...aggregate stands in fragile balance...each stone a memory etched by wind and rain...defy nature’s strain...the exigencies of existence...a delicate dance...hawks soar above...keen eyes on and devour their prey...deer graze nearby...hooves treading softly...rabbits dart among the shadows...fleet and lofty...human hands have shaped this ancient mound...placing stones with care...a silent pact unbound...their stories interwoven...whisper in the breeze...bridge between realms—earthly and celestial seas...hawks gather...shreading secrets...wisdom enhanced...await the next movement...a cosmic choreography...balance teeters on the edge of mystery...sunrise paints the stones in hues of amber and gold...moonlight cradles them...secrets yet untold...the paradox of life...divinely designed...seasons waltz...shadows lengthen their advance....beacon in the wild...stones find equilibrium...dreams are compiled...hawks circle...deer graze...rabbita jump...hawks land confer over offal...aggregate in eternity stirs...balanced against nature’s forces...awaiting the next cosmic embrace...

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